
Oc character profile: text

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Literature Text

Name: Midori Catesby
Age: 19
Parents:  Harry and Lilian Catesby
Birthday:  11th June
Bloodtype:  AB Positive
Weight:  105.8 Pounds
Height: 5,2 ft
Current Rank In The Military:  Major
Alchemy knowledge:  Rentanjutsu
Other Abilities:  Xingese martial arts
Personality: Shy, but kind, decided and strong-willed. Very sensitive. Will do what she believes is right, no matter what gets in her way (self-confidence)
Weapons: Midori hates fire-based weapons, and thus uses only Blade Weapons (Set of Kunais and Sword)
Miscellaneous: Kitty lover -like Alphonse-

Background story:


Midori Catesby is the daughter of Central brigadier general Harry Catesby, who was assassinated when she was 8 years old. Her father worked in the research department (like Hughes) It is known that, like Hughes, her father died after discovering "something". Her wife, Lilian Catesby, was told that he was killed by an Ishvalan who hated the military, and who hasn't been caught yet.

Lilian, who is a retired soldier herself, suspects that her husband didn't want to reveal certain investigation to her, and links this fact directly with the real reason of his death,. Therefore, she decides to investigate on her own, causing that one night, someone even tries to kill her and her daughter, for continuing the research. They are forced to escape to Xing, where Taisen's relatives live.

They live in Xing for several years, in which Midori is convinced by her mother that his father died in a mysterious accident. One day, when Midori was 12, she finds out the possible truth of her father's death, by hearing a conversation between her mother and aunt. She realizes how helpless she has been all the time, ignoring the truth, ignoring all that her mother had to go through. Midori has a new goal: to know the hidden truth behind her father's death.

Midori's best friend in Xing is Ruki Tao. She is the 5th successor to the throne. In her quest for knowledge and strength, and against her mother's will, Midori asks Ruki and the Tao clan for help, since she wants to be trained to go to Central and begin her investigations. The Tao clan agrees, but asks something in exchange for the training: Midori is to bring the secret of immortality back from Central, to the clan. Ruki strongly opposes this, since she is the one supposed to go and find the secret, not Midori.

After turning 17, and after a long training, (Midori learns Rentanjutsu and martial arts, and Ruki martial arts only) Midori parts with Ruki to Amestris, each of them with a different objective in mind.

Midori plans to perform a brilliant exhibition to be accepted in the military in a high-ranked position, despite of her age and family name, which turns out to be "insecure" for a certain King Bradley, who doesn't trust Midori's intentions. In her, he sees her father.

Midori's first performance is before brigadier general Basque Gran, who allows her to enter the military under his command. She'll serve him for two years, approximately. In her acceptance speech, Midori talks about the only thing she supposedly whishes: To serve her country with honor, like her father before her. Although Bradley finds her suspicious, he also sees her as an "interesting character"

It won't take a lot of time for Midori to realize that Basque Gran only uses her for dirty deeds, or to show off his own power in front of others. Naturally, she begins to despise him. This scenario is interrupted with the assassination of Basque Gran, by Scar.

After these events, a nineteen-year old Midori is transferred by own request to serve under Hughes, who works in the same department Midori's father previously worked on.

Midori soon notices that Hughes talks a lot about a colonel named Roy Mustang. Seeing that she has no siblings in Central, he also decides to occasionally accommodate Midori in his own house. Midori trusts Hughes, since he evocates the image of her father, from time to time. Therefore, she decides to reveal her true intentions to him.

Not long after, Hughes is mysteriously killed by the homunculus Envy.

In Hughes's funeral, Midori formally meets Roy Mustang, despite having shared small greetings with him in the past, in Hughes's presence.

"Maes talked a lot about you. He often said that we could very well help each other to fulfill our goals", confesses Roy to Midori. It is later revealed that Roy also knows there is something suspicious going on in the higher Ranks of Central. Since both have theories about the subject, Roy decides to work on this new mystery, alongside Midori…

When all of Roy's subordinates are taken away from him, he gets closer to Midori and both develop a special trust. Roy decides to share with Midori his most recent discovery:

"King Bradley is a homunculus. This must be part of the truth that Hughes managed to find out…and your father before him"

The shocking news only makes Midori's wish for revenge even greater. Being sure that her father, despite of not being particularly strong, could have managed to do something to change things, her mind focuses on a new and clear objective: End King Bradley's life.

It's precisely Roy who will eventually calm her down, telling her that nothing should be done only with revenge purposes…


Midori Catesby es hija de un general de brigada llamado Harry Catesby, de Central, quien fue asesinado cuando ella tenía 8 años. Su padre trabajaba en el departamento de investigación (al igual que Hughes). Se sabe que su padre, al igual que Hughes, murió por descubrir "algo". A su esposa, Lilian Catesby, le dijeron que fue muerto por un ishvalano quien odiaba a los militares, a quien no han capturado aun…

La esposa, quien es un soldado retirado a su vez, sospecha que su esposo no le quería revelar cierta investigación que llevaba a cabo, y lo relaciona directamente con la causa de su real muerte. Por tanto, decidio investigar por su cuenta…causando que una noche alguien intente asesinarla a ella y a su hija, por continuar la investigación. Se ven forzadas a huir a Xing, donde el padre había tenido familiares, y viven ahí durante años, en los cuales Midori es convencida una y otra vez que su padre murió en un accidente casual, hasta que un día, a los 12, oye en una conversación entre su tía y madre, la posible verdad de la muerte de su padre y empieza a sentir la impotencia de haber sido ignorante de esa verdad y de todo por lo que tuvo que atravesar su madre. Esto lo lleva a desear saber la verdadera razón de la muerte de su padre.

La mejor amiga de Midori en Xing es Ruki Tao, es la 5ta sucesora al trono. En sus deseos de venganza, y en contra de los deseos de su madre, le pide ayuda al clan Tao y a Ruki, para ser entrenada y así poder ir a central a comenzar su investigación. El clan Tao le pide a cambio del entrenamiento, que les traiga el secreto de la vida eterna. Ruki se opone a esto, pues es ella quien debería ir a buscar la vida eterna, en lugar de Midori. Al final, al cumplir 17, y tras un largo entrenamiento (Midori en rentanjutsu y artes marciales y Ruki solamente en artes marciales), ambas parten hacia Amestris, cada una con una misión distinta.

Midori planea brindar una magnifica exhibición para ser aceptada en la milicia con un alto rango, a pesar de su corta edad, y a pesar de su apellido, el cual resulta "inseguro" para King Bradley, quien desconfía de las intenciones de Midori, al recordar a su padre.

La primera exhibición de Midori es ante el general de brigada Basque Gran, quien le permite entrar a la milicia y trabajar para él. En su discurso, Midori habla de que lo único que desea es servir a su país con honor, como su padre. A pesar de que King Bradley la encuentra sospechosa, la considera "un caso interesante".

Cuando Midori nota que Basque Gran la usa para trabajos turbios o para exhibir él su poder ante otros, empieza a despreciarlo. Esta situación no se prolonga mucho, ya que Basque Gran es asesinado por Scar. Tras este evento, Midori (por propia solicitud) es transferida a servir a Hughes, quien trabaja en el departamento en donde anteriormente había laborado el padre de Midori.

En sus conversaciones con Hughes escucha mucho sobre el coronel Roy Mustang. Hughes también decide acogerla de forma ocasional en su casa, ya que ella no tiene a nadie en Central. Midori confía en Hughes, y le recuerda a su padre. De este modo, revela sus verdaderas intenciones a Hughes.

Tras esto, Hughes es muerto sorpresivamente por el homúnculo Envy.

En el funeral de Hughes, Midori conoce formalmente a Roy, a pesar de que ya habían tenido pequeños saludos en el pasado, en presencia de Hughes. Roy confiesa a Midori que Maes le hablaba mucho de ella, y de que podrían ayudarse mutuamente a cumplir sus metas. En vista de que Roy también sabe que existe algo sospechoso en los altos rangos de Central, se dispone a investigar a más profundidad el tema, al lado de Midori…

Al ser Roy despojado de sus otros subordinados, se acerca más a Midori y generan una especial confianza, lo que causa que Roy le cuente a Midori su más reciente hallazgo:

"King Bradley es un homúnculo. Esta debe ser parte de la verdad que descubrió Hughes..y tu padre, antes que él"

Esta revelación solo sirve para incrementar los deseos de venganza de Midori. Estando segura de que su padre, a pesar de no ser particularmente fuerte, hubiera podido hacer algo para cambiar las cosas, decide crear un nuevo objetivo: matar a King Bradley. Es Roy quien la hará entrar en razón, diciéndole que nada debería ser hecho solo por venganza…
EDIT: OC changes here: [link]
Wow this took ages....seriously xD I'm very serious this time!

First of all! All the text was written by my best friend :iconlink445: and the image is mine of course, here is it [link]
(I dunno what happened, but I couldn't submit both together ;_; snif!)
It was a team work! ^^
He wrote everything n.n I had the ideas but he also helped me to complete some >W<

What you have read it's a main idea n.n...ok not too general as a main idea but....I'm not gonna add fan fics to this. Why? I said it before, I hate writing XD!
I'm gonna draw fake screenshots and then add small explanations to them...that's all nnU I think

Oh I forgot: My OC is based on the fma manga/fma bortherhood

I think everybody knows....but still:

I LOVE YOU SENSEI!!!!!!!!!!!! *O* XD
I'm just a fangirl ;O; that created an OC, that's it u.u!

I hope you like it guys C:
Tell me what you think!
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Awebster7854's avatar

Al- what's so funny?

Ed- wow and to think my life was hard. She has it more rough than mine.

Al- Edward!

Ed- what it's the truth!